Good thread T.I.T. subscribed, agree on most points. But I still wouldn't get a blood transfusion nor celebrate holidays, they are just so commercial and steeped in paganism. Birthdays I'm on the fence, if I had a family maybe but being single lots of these issues are made easier for me to avoid. My heart goes out to those raising a family and having to deal with all these issues, must be hard. I wouldn't want to have to teach the WT version of truth to my kids if I had any. Stick with the Bible plain and simple.
This is great I always felt the same and could just tell when a zealous JW elder knew it :
"What's great is that I will now allow myself to do the research, I've broken free of those mental controls and I hope many more will do that too, how foolish we were to allow men to decide for us what we should and shouldn't think "
I keep such one at arms length now.